Friday, April 6, 2012


I just had a little experience today that I wanted to share.

I've had a few things on my to-do list that I have been putting off for a while. They are church related items that I KNOW need to be done but just haven't been able to get excited about for some reason.They involved activities that I don't like doing such as making phone calls, dropping by unannounced at people's homes, and putting myself out there to others. I know, not really that difficult for some but difficult for me!

I finally decided that no matter what I would get these things done today. So, I did. I pushed through my insecurities, and worries and got them done because they are my responsibility.

After I finished and walked into my quiet house (all the kids were at school, yeah!) I had a very calming, peaceful feeling in my heart. I'm sure it was there for two reasons. First, simply just peace of mind that I can quit thinking about the looming tasks! And second, because I did want the Lord has been wanting me to do.

I feel like that peace was the REWARD for me doing what I know is right even though it was not easy for me. I'm so grateful for the peace I felt and hope to remember it so that next time there is a looming task I won't worry so much and put it off. I will hopefully remember that I will be supported through difficult tasks and be given added peace for doing what is right.

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